Saturday, March 24, 2018

Spring Wind

The first day of spring was four days ago, and so far it's been gorgeous. Sunny and mild and incredibly windy, which I actually kind of hate. Wind can ruin a perfectly nice day.

I've always resented wind for ruining my hair and making it hard to breathe. Then a friend told me she gets energy from the wind, and I started thinking about it differently. The other day, when it was gusting really strongly during my lunch walk, I put my face into it and closed my eyes and tried to breathe in that power.

It really is awesome.

Today is another such day, sunny and beautiful all morning, darkening clouds and chill winds tearing through the house now. Opening all the windows is such a freeing feeling after the winter. The grass is greening, the tulips are showing, the crocus has already come and gone thanks to the snow last week. I spent the morning pulling weeds.

"You can't do all that, you'll die!" said my roommate. 
It's funny how we're a nanosecond into spring and already there's a jungle of dandelions and milkweed that want to take over the bottom half of my yard. 

I didn't die. But I didn't finish, either. Made it to the second step before hanging up the gloves for the day. I sat in the newly painted Adirondack chair for a while and watched the birds at the feeder, the squirrel running up and down the tree, the rabbit come back from feeding and duck back into the gap under the house. 

Spring is volatile. Tonight it's just cloudy, but there's rain and snow on the way in a couple of days. It's the season where colors return and the Earth is bursting with the scent of new life. The scent of beginning. I can't wait until the purple salvia and the yellow forsythia burst into their colors.