Monday, November 27, 2017

Holiday Cooking

I'm undertaking a wellness regimen, starting two days ago. I must be totally mad to attempt such a thing at this time of year. It's the season of Break Room Cookies.

Ah well. The best thing about being an optimist is that you never stop thinking you can try again. And there's nothing like getting a new picture at the DMV - and actually owning up to your current weight - to make an aging gal want to make some changes.

So there's that. As the song says, every new day life's just begun.

I have a few boxes to send out to friends that are really family. Framily? Hey, I made up a word. Anyway, what do you add to round out a care package for a young man? A few things come to mind, but ultimately "food" is always a good idea. And so! Cranberry-orange cookies. These are awesome and a little unusual with the tart-sweet combination. These will be even less sweet than my usual batches, since I inexplicably never realized I was out of powdered sugar and will have to forego the orange-flavored icing. I did do some research to see if you can make it with regular sugar, and you can... if you turn regular sugar into powdered sugar first. Not gonna happen. Ah laziness, thy name is Farnsworth.

Cranberry Orange Cookies 

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