Saturday, January 30, 2016

Winter Returning

It's been uncommonly beautiful all week - warm, sunny, near 60 the last few days. Spring fever has set in and I am already anxious to see budding trees and the return of my tulips. I should probably plant some crocus - they start to bloom very early, late February I think.

Of course, it's still winter, and Mother Holle is getting ready to shake out her bed in a serious way. The storm that's tracking is predicted to give us in the metro area anywhere from a few inches to over a foot; much to the disgust of the general populace, the meteorologists have had to concede they won't be able to predict how much we'll get until it gets closer.

In truth, I like winter. I don't mind the cold or the snow; it provides an excellent excuse to light candles (or a fire), and I've got little white lights set up here and there for a nice glow. And I enjoy having a built-in excuse to stay indoors and putter around in the kitchen. The days are already noticeably longer.

The whims of nature are impressive and, to be honest, fun. The possibility that we might get a lot of snow is always exciting - how lovely it would be to get a two-foot blizzard that shuts the city down! Of course, that seldom happens; far more often, it snows enough to make driving unpleasant and slow, but nothing closes down.

It's okay. It's part of the cycle of the Earth, and in truth, weather brings people together. It's more than just something we all have in common for idle chit-chat; I'm always impressed by the way folks will rally to help neighbors and strangers who get stuck in the snow. I'm one of those people who will watch the local news report on the weather all day during a big storm.

Here's hoping for Snowmageddon!

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