Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Otherwise known as Groundhog Day. I'm not sure, actually, what the relation is between the two traditions, but Punxsatawney Phil saw his shadow today and thus predicts an early spring. I'll take it!

Imbolc, at any rate, is an ancient Irish tradition. It is a cross-quarter festival, that is, halfway between the major turning points of Winter and Spring. In Christian tradition it's the feast of St Brigid, an Irish saint, probably descended from the Celtic goddess of the same name. Brigid was an important goddess, patron of poetry, arts, cattle and livestock, and wells, among other things, and is invoked on this holiday as a plea for an early spring.

It's a festival of light - the returning light that comes with longer days and signifies the rebirth of the earth and the coming of spring. The simplest rituals include lighting a new white candle as dusk falls, and taking it through the house, bringing new light to the abode. Remove any leftover greenery from Yule; you can burn it, and save the ashes for planting with the spring garden. I like another simple tradition, which is to put on a light in every room in the house, even if just for a few minutes.

A symbol of Brigid and of Imbolc is the Brigid's cross. I seem to recall making these in elementary school.

I'm not feeling the early spring just yet, since we got a foot of snow last night! Nevertheless, I'm getting that itch to start planning my garden. Anyone else getting a little spring fever?

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