Thursday, February 18, 2016

Respect for the Natural World

I read a pretty horrifying story today. It makes me want to both cry and rage, because it is such a tragic, shameful thing that is the direct result of stupidity and arrogance.

This baby dolphin was pulled from the sea by some folks on a beach in Argentina. They passed it around taking selfies with it until it died of dehydration and overheating. Then they just left it there on the beach like so much garbage.

I have no words for how much this disgusts me. Well, I guess I'll try to find a few.

The utter thoughtlessness and lack of respect shown for this living creature for no better purpose than amusement fills me with rage. I don't want to hear "well we kill cows and chickens," that's a completely different subject. These oblivious people pulled this helpless creature out of its environment and killed it for nothing more than a picture. And having killed it, in their selfish ignorance, they simply left it there.

I can only assume there is no remorse, no sense that maybe this was a wrong and stupid thing to do, no sadness that they killed this baby for the most superficial, arrogant, self-absorbed reason imaginable - the selfie. What utterly self-centered assholes we are, to disregard the life of another creature in order to take a fucking picture of ourselves.

Sorry for the language, I guess. But, on the other hand, no. I'm not sorry. I curse a lot when I'm angry. And I'm as pissed off right now as I've been in a long time.

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