Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Hierophant

5: The Hierophant

He is the High Priest, counterpart to the High Priestess; known also as the Pope, the Shaman. In the Vikings tarot this card is Odin, accompanied by his ravens Huginn (Thought) and Munnin (Memory). He is Gandalf the White, Chiron the Centaur.

He sits before the pillars to the temple, his hand raised in benediction. In his left hand he holds the triple cross; upon his head he wears the triple crown. The number three is sacred, representing the divine and the order of things: maiden, mother, crone; father, son, holy spirit; past, present, future; beginning, middle, end.

Hierophantes originates from the Greek roots hieros, sacred, and phainein, to reveal or show; the Hierophant is the one who reveals the sacred mysteries and passes this knowledge on. At his feet lay the keys to the mysteries, which he both guards and reveals. Before him kneel two acolytes, ready to receive his blessing as they become initiates into the order. One is dressed in the red roses of passion; the other, the white lilies of purity. Their heads are shaved in a display of their dedication.

The Hierophant is the highest authority, formal rigid structure, organized hierarchy. He offers blessings and reveals the sacred knowledge to those who would devote themselves to it.

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