1: The Magician

Because this is what the Magician represents: the power of the will, the ability to manifest one's thoughts into reality. This is a primary rule of metaphysics, the notion that what one conceives, one can will into being. By focusing upon what is wanted, channeling that desire into physical action, one can bring into reality whatever is needed.
It's power, and it's not particularly mysterious. It does require discipline and knowledge - to ascertain exactly what is wanted and bring it about means knowing yourself and having a clear idea of what is required to manifest it into reality. Oftentimes people get tripped up on the first step - knowing what they want. Vague notions are not helpful here. The goal must be clear.
Once you know what you want, it isn't especially difficult to lay out the steps required to make it happen. But, ah, that's the onion - doing what is necessary to bring it about, that's a challenge.
The Magician tells us that we can take what we want from the universe and make it our own, if we have the will - and the tools - to make it so.
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