Sunday, February 21, 2016

Quickening Moon

The February full moon is tomorrow. Snow Moon, Ice Moon, Hunger Moon; many of its names recall that winter is still upon us. But it's been two weeks since we passed the halfway mark to the next solar event of the year, the spring equinox; and the shift can already be felt. The Front Range has seen a very mild winter thus far, with occasionally dumps of snow but many, many sunny and warm days. February in particular has been very warm. Denver set a new high for the date last week - 73!
It has other names that hint at the coming spring: Rowan Moon, Wild Moon, and the one that caught my eye today, Quickening Moon.

The Earth certainly is quickening. My tulips are beginning to poke above ground. I wish I could be happy about that, but as we all know, winter is not over, and it will certainly snow and turn cold again before spring really settles in to stay. So while it gave me a thrill to see them emerging, it also makes me sad, because they're rather frail, and another hard freeze will mean yet another year with no blooms.

This time of year is about beginnings. An intention planted now that will grow and thrive as spring arrives, and our energy increases along with the lengthening of the days and the warming of the Earth.

Full Moon Spell:

On a slip of paper, jot down, in simple terms, what you want. You can also do this on a bay leaf, with a single word.
Light a candle in the color corresponding to your need.
Consider your desire, really think about what it is you want, what steps you will need to take to get there, and visualize it manifested.
Burn the paper and bury the ashes in your garden, if you have one.

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